
TortoiseSVN uses the Windows spell checker if it's available (Windows 8 or later). Which means that if you want the spell checker to work in a different language than the default OS language, you have to install the spell checker module in the Windows settings (Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language).

如果使用tsvn:projectlanguage正确设置项目属性的话,TortoiseSVN 会使用拼写检查。

以免WIndows 拼写检查不可用,TortoiseSVN 也能使用OpenOfficeMozilla的拼写检查字典。

The installer automatically adds the US and UK English dictionaries. If you want other languages, the easiest option is simply to install one of TortoiseSVN's language packs. This will install the appropriate dictionary files as well as the TortoiseSVN local user interface. After the installation finishes, the dictionary will be available too.

Or you can install the dictionaries yourself. If you have OpenOffice or Mozilla installed, you can copy those dictionaries, which are located in the installation folders for those applications. Otherwise, you need to download the required dictionary files from http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries.

Once you have got the dictionary files, you probably need to rename them so that the filenames only have the locale chars in it. Example:

  • en_US.aff

  • en_US.dic

Then just copy them into the %APPDATA%\TortoiseSVN\dic folder. If that folder isn't there, you have to create it first. TortoiseSVN will also search the Languages sub-folder of the TortoiseSVN installation folder (normally this will be C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\Languages); this is the place where the language packs put their files. However, the %APPDATA%-folder doesn't require administrator privileges and, thus, has higher priority. The next time you start TortoiseSVN, the spell checker will be available.

如果你安装了多个词典,TortoiseSVN 使用下面的规则选择一个。

  • 检查 tsvn:projectlanguage 设置,关于设置项目属性可以参考“项目设置”一节

  • 如果没有设置项目语言,或者那个语言没有安装,尝试使用对应 Windows 区域信息的语言。

  • 如果准确的Windows本地语言没起作用,试试“基础”语言,例如de_CH(瑞士语-德语)回退到de_DE(德语)

  • 如果以上都没有效果,则缺省语言是英语,包含在标准安装中。