Tsvncmd URL 处理器


TortoiseSVN registers a new protocol tsvncmd: which can be used to create hyperlinks that execute TortoiseSVN commands. The commands and parameters are the same as when automating TortoiseSVN from the command line.



with cmd being one of the allowed commands, parameter being the name of a parameter like path or revision, and paramvalue being the value to use for that parameter. The list of parameters allowed depends on the command used.

下列命令可以使用tsvncmd: URLs:

  • :update
  • :commit
  • :diff
  • :repobrowser
  • :checkout
  • :export
  • :blame
  • :repostatus
  • :revisiongraph
  • :showcompare
  • :log

A simple example URL might look like this:

  1. <a href="tsvncmd:command:update?path:c:\svn_wc?rev:1234">Update</a>

or in a more complex case:

  1. <a href="tsvncmd:command:showcompare?
  2. url1:https://svn.code.sf.net/p/stefanstools/code/trunk/StExBar/src/setup/Setup.wxs?
  3. url2:https://svn.code.sf.net/p/stefanstools/code/trunk/StExBar/src/setup/Setup.wxs?
  4. revision1:188?revision2:189">compare</a>